Aloe on Tattoos: 4 Surprising Benefits

Aloe on Tattoos: 4 Surprising Benefits

Apr 23, 2023 | Bridget Reed

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Aloe is often touted as a magic healing ingredient for almost any skin condition, but there’s no real magic involved. It’s all nature. The unique properties of aloe work well to support and assist the body as it works to heal your skin. 

You’d be surprised what a little bit of aloe can do to support your tattoo aftercare and your body’s natural healing process. 

What Is Aloe?


When most people see aloe, it’s in the form of a gel. That gel is processed from the pulp of the aloe vera plant. Aloe originated in North Africa, but the plant is strong and resilient enough to grow in many climates. 

The aloe vera plant has giant spiky leaves that are very dense on the inside. They’re full of pulp, also called “meat,” and that’s where all the vitamins and nutrients are. 

Aloe is edible but doesn’t have a strong or unique flavor. People who cook with aloe use it in recipes specifically for its nutritional content. Most people prefer aloe in their medicine cabinet rather than their kitchen cupboard. Aloe’s uses and benefits are far better when used as a topical skin-soothing ingredient. 

What’s So Good About Aloe?

Aloe has been used worldwide for millennia as a medicinal herb. It works so well that it never fell out of favor. 

Aloe was used before any type of meaningful medical technology existed, but the cultures that utilized it were definitely on the right track. Legitimate studies have proven that aloe directly supports skin health, especially when the skin is irritated. 

Aloe is an example of nature doing something perfectly. It’s deeply moisturizing, packed with skin-healthy vitamins, and easy to grow and use. It’s the perfect storm of soothing benefits for numerous skincare concerns. 

Tattoos are only the tip of the iceberg. Aloe is often incorporated into sun care products, moisturizers for sensitive skin, and shaving creams for its skin-supporting benefits. Read the label of almost any product that says it’s safe for sensitive skin. Chances are high that you’ll find aloe on the ingredients list. 

Is It Safe To Use Aloe on Tattoos?

It’s safe to use aloe on just about anything. Many skin care products aren’t intended to be used on broken skin or wounds, usually because they contain irritating ingredients like artificial fragrances. Aloe is the complete opposite. It’s completely natural, and it’s specifically best when used on broken skin or wounds. 

Aloe helps to support the healing process. It won’t do anything to damage your tattoo, and it’s completely safe for the pigments in your tattoo.

The Benefits of Aloe on Tattoos

Aloe on Tattoos: 4 Surprising Benefits

Aloe is great for your tattoo. It’s soothing, moisturizing, nourishing, and easy to use as a part of your tattoo care routine. It’s way more than just a one-trick pony. 

Aloe works to support the healing process from multiple angles, and this natural multitasker can keep your tattoo care routine simple. 

1. Soothing Irritation

When aloe dries down, it leaves behind a very thin film made of plant starches. You may not be able to see or feel this film. This virtually invisible sheet is a micro shield that protects your tattoo from the outside world. 

Aloe’s antioxidant properties add another function to this barrier. Your tattooed skin is very sensitive while it’s healing, and the antioxidants in aloe act like little soldiers that protect your tattoo in its time of need. 

2. Moisturizing Your Tattoo

Moisturizing your tattoo is one of the most important parts of tattoo aftercare. Your tattoo needs to stay moist to heal properly. If it dries, it can crack, scab, and scar. You need a gentle moisturizer that won’t irritate your healing skin, and aloe fits the bill. 

Your tattoo artist sent you home with aftercare instructions that involved washing, drying, and moisturizing your tattoo. Aloe-infused tattoo care products help your skin to heal at every step of the process. 

3. Nourishing Your Tattoo

Aloe is rich in skin-healthy vitamins, like vitamin E and vitamin A. Vitamin E supports wound healing. It can also help to soothe the negative effects of sun exposure

Vitamin A works to support natural skin elasticity and maintain the production of new collagen. Your skin needs collagen to heal and maintain itself, especially after an injury or a tattoo.

4. Providing Weightless Protection

Many people can’t stand skin protectants that feel heavy, greasy, oily, waxy, or slippery. They may get the job done, but they’re not really comfortable to use. 

They slide off, transfer, and get on everything you touch. They’ll leave spots on your bed sheets, your couch, and your clothes. It can be a huge mess.

Aloe-based moisturizers and balms work to protect the skin without heavy residue. They absorb quickly and won’t leave behind a sticky residue like some other tattoo aftercare products will. Aloe can also be used in tattoo prep numbing gel, the perfect alternative to numbing cream for people who prefer something lightweight.

TL;DR: Aloe on Tattoos

Aloe is great for your skin in general. It’s even better when your skin needs a little help. Aloe contains many of the things your new tattoo needs to heal properly. 

It’s gentle, it’s natural, and it’s been demonstrated to be an effective skin-soothing ingredient for many types of wounds. That’s why we use aloe (along with many other botanicals) in our tattoo care products.


ALOE VERA: A SHORT REVIEW - PMC | National Library of Medicine

Aloe Vera | NCCIH

Antioxidants: What They Do and Antioxidant-Rich Foods | Cleveland Clinic

Vitamin E and Skin Health | Linus Pauling Institute

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